Delaware River Waterfront Delaware River Trail Extension - Connect The Dots
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Delaware River Waterfront Delaware River Trail Extension



Executive Summary:

Building on the success of the Central Section that connects the Fishtown and South Philadelphia neighborhoods, the project’s purpose is to extend the Delaware River Trail north to Port Richmond while creating an inclusive and accessible walking and bicycling connection along the riverfront. CTD will support the project by assisting in the development of a public engagement plan and organizing the first public meeting, aiming to generate excitement and participation for additional engagement opportunities, gather meaningful input, and alleviate planning fatigue in the community. The services provided by CTD include strategic design of the open house, logistics management, creation of sharekits and translated outreach materials, facilitation of the event, and post-event reporting.

Services Performed:

CtD acted as both engagement lead and engagement support for NV5 and DRWC.

  • Public Meeting in the form of Open House, where CtD worked to bring a creative format to the standard community meeting, as well as a creative take on the meeting materials. Participants at the event moved around a “trail” of stations, and each interaction and activity was designed to be a “trail head” along the route.

  • Tape marked the dotted line of the trail, and the materials were designed in a rustic, nature-themed way to keep participants grounded in the topic material. Interactive activities were varied and allowed participants to interact through writing, placing stickers, completing “Madlibs,” mapping, and talking to moderators, and drawing – which especially helps learners of all kinds and ages engage. Child participants were especially excited to draw and give input through placing stickers on our provided boards.

  • Communication and Outreach materials translated to English and Spanish including sharekit for public meetings and online surveys.

  • Logistics including event preparation and facilitation with post-event reporting.

Project Outcomes:

Engagement Outcomes

  • Over 50 people attended the public meeting, providing deep insights for the planning team; even more responded to the accompanying online survey in Spanish and English.

Insights and Implications

  • The Open House provided valuable insights on the DRT extension, highlighting recurring themes such as the importance of restroom availability, concerns about pedestrian safety and crossing at nearby traffic intersections, focus on waste management and cleanliness, demand for improved bike parking availability and safety, desire for increased connectivity with city neighborhoods, and interest in tree and nature maintenance.