Framing the Future of the Roundhouse - Connect The Dots
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Framing the Future of the Roundhouse

Join Connect the Dots, Amber Art & Design, and the Philadelphia City Planning Commission for our first public event Framing the Future of the Roundhouse! Thursday, August 4th at Franklin Square from 1 to 5 PM. Free activities and art workshops for all ages and complimentary refreshments provided, rain or shine!





About the Roundhouse Project 

The City of Philadelphia is preparing to sell the Roundhouse building located at 7th and Race Street after 59 years as the Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) headquarters, and wants all Philadelphia residents to have a voice in its future redevelopment. 

Connect the Dots is co-leading the engagement process alongside Amber Art & Design and the City Planning Commission. Our objective is to look at the history and living legacy of the Roundhouse to guide the future development of a meaningful place that serves the City and its residents. This engagement process creates opportunities for all Philadelphia residents to explore the potential futures of the site.

The City is approaching the redevelopment of the Roundhouse with respect for the enduring memories of this site and recognition from the City that it is associated with traumatic experiences and the lingering effects of urban renewal, as well as optimism for bringing a new purpose for the site’s future.

The engagement is focusing on two areas:

  • Telling the Story: Speaking to communities throughout Philadelphia to gather the lived experiences of people connected to this space.
  • Meaningful Placemaking: Framing the potential futures of the site through a process of Meaningful Placemaking: considering the history of the site within plans for the future.

The planned engagement activities give people across Philadelphia a safe space to share and acknowledge the legacy of the Roundhouse work together to imagine potential futures for the site. We invite you to share your story and thoughts! Taking part in this process means you will have the chance to:

  • Become part of a collective/communal history of the lived experience of the Roundhouse, and/or
  • Guide the Request for Proposals (RFP) that will call on developers to reimagine the site. The developer’s role will be to creatively translate the principles, concerns, goals, and guidance from the public into specific concepts, ideas, and uses for the site.