It’s Time for Public Participation to Evolve with Transportation Planning
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It’s Time for Public Participation to Evolve with Transportation Planning

For Planetizen, Connect the Dots’ Marisa Denker and Alexandra Zazula teamed with transportation engagement leaders at major firms, Sam Schwartz and Nelson Nygaard to envision how transportation engagement can evolve to be robust, impactful and inclusive of groups who have long been excluded from the table.

While we’re all working to adapt engagement efforts to meet the realities of the pandemic recovery, in order to evolve transportation engagement, we must reflect on the ways public engagement strategies have failed to meaningfully engage low income people and communities of color. This disparity means their voices carry less of a say in the transportation infrastructure they rely on.

To move forward, our firms came together to reflect on the past two years and develop the below recommendations for which engagement and outreach strategies to keep, which to start, and which to stop.

Check out our insights on this and more Planetizen, co-written with Mike Flynn, Samantha Donovan, Theresa Carr, Alexandra Zazula.