Placemaking Webinar Series: Reimagining & Repurposing Engagement during COVID-19 - Connect The Dots
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Placemaking Webinar Series: Reimagining & Repurposing Engagement during COVID-19

Description of Event

Connect the Dots teamed up with the world-renowned Project for Public Spaces to share learnings and build best practice around reimagining engagement and consultation during this time. PPS is leader in public space development and placemaking having completed projects in more than 3,500 communities in over 50 countries and all 50 U.S. states. The connective and collaborative nature of both our work inspired our two organizations to bring our networks to the table and focus discussion on solutions for our changing world.

Together, we posed the question: How can engagement evolve moving forward?

Speakers included:

  • Marisa Denker, Co-Founder, Connect the Dots – Philadelphia & Dublin
  • Priti Patel, Senior Project Manager, Project for Public Spaces – NYC
  • Aaron Greiner, Director, Culture House – Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Valli Morphett, Director, Design Jam – Melbourne, Australia
  • Sarah Bowman, Director of Strategic Engagement & Impact, Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability at Trinity College Dublin – Dublin, Ireland

This webinar featured a conversation exploring a variety of perspectives, tools and experiences related to engagement practices considering the difficulties posed by COVID-19. Key questions to be explored with international experts from Ireland to the US to Australia include:

  • As a result of what’s happening now, how will engagement evolve moving forward?
  • How are communities included in the recovery process?
  • What can we do to better inform our practice?
  • What are best practices that can be applied to a range of contexts
  • Why, instead of putting engagement on hold, it is more important to do what we can right now?

This international conversation comes at a critical time, as the world’s inhabitants share an unprecedented experience, from billions of individual perspectives. While commonalities exist, respect for diversity and equity is the key to creating solutions that work on a massive scale.


Reimagining & Repurposing Engagement during COVID-19

Recorded Webinar