The Value of Insight-Led Events - Connect The Dots
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The Value of Insight-Led Events

Our mission is to support you to more meaningfully connect with your event stakeholders.  Our experience shows us that audience insight is the platform for building better and enduring connection with stakeholders.

Our approach is simple – we put insight at the heart of event planning, delivery and measurement.

insight + imagination = impact.

What are insight-led events?

Insight led events are characterised by the following traits: the event organiser captures the right data directly from their audience, communicates with their attendees before the day of the event, and ultimately has an understanding of what their ideal event outcomes are. If you open up a channel for communication and collaboration, you take away any mystery from your event planning and know that your guests will be engaged at your event. The most important outcome of course is that your audience then are more likely to engage with your company afterwards and convert to recruits or sales.

At Connect the Dots, we’ve seen the difference between events that are insight led and those events that aren’t; insight led events have quadrupled recruits, doubled sales, improved reputation, and increased members for our clients from Accenture to Community Finance Ireland.

How does using insights on your audience beforehand improve an event?

  • By focusing on what your attendees want you are generating a sense of goodwill and building trust between them and your brand
  • By utilising pre-event intelligence and actionable insights from your audience you ensure the event is a success every time
  • By eliminating the guesswork on what the event format and content should be you ensure expectations are met and risk is mitigated.
  • By encouraging attendees to be involved in the creation process, this drives their interest, and their engagement in your event.

How can you incorporate insights into your upcoming event?

Don’t know where to start to take the first steps towards insight led events? We can help! If you are trying to increase: your event ROI, attendance and overall engagement, send us an email at [email protected] and we’d be happy to chat with you.

Connect the Dots eliminates the guesswork in event design by harnessing the power of data. Our unique process provides event organisers with actionable insights and event designs, ensuring the most relevant content and best-fit format to engage and convert your target audience.

What is Co-Creation Anyway?

Essentially, co-creation is a methodology of bringing different groups of people together – a company and an audience, for example, to produce the best possible outcome for all parties involved. It places a focus on collaboration between everyone, allowing different voices to be heard so that they are all satisfied. This is a strategy that has been used in various fields for years, and Connect the Dots is now one of the first to translate it to the design of events, to crafting the content and format.